how to improve posture

Condition: Abnormal Posture

Posture Correction Overview: Fixing Abnormal Posture

What is posture correction?

Also called postural adjustment, posture correction includes all the techniques that help people of all ages improve the way they sit, stand and move so they can support better spinal and joint health and avoid pain and other issues that can have an impact on mobility.

Slumping while standing or sitting, spending long hours sitting or standing, and hunching over a computer or cell phone for extended periods of time can all take a toll on the body, resulting in nerve compressions, inflammation, irritation, joint dysfunction and pain. Posture correction uses a varieties of techniques to help people strengthen their spine and adopt better posture habits so they can avoid these issues and enjoy better health and pain-free movement.

What kinds of techniques are used during a postural adjustment?

Postural correction relies on a variety of techniques depending on the patient's symptoms and needs. Adjustments are very flexible and treatment can be customized to suit the needs of the individual patient, helping patients of all ages improve their musculoskeletal and overall health without the need for medications and other aggressive treatments.

Correction begins with a thorough assessment of the patient's spine and the way they walk, stand and move to identify problems and determine the best options for optimal results. Treatment options can include spinal adjustments to realign the spine and reduce nerve impingements, therapeutic massage to treat trigger points or muscle “knots” that can restrict normal movement, and lifestyle guidance to help patients learn how to adopt healthier posture at work and during other activities so they can “retrain” their spine and back over time.

How many treatments will I need?

The number and type of treatments will depend on the patient's specific needs, symptoms and treatment objectives. Poor posture is a learned behavior, and learning to correct those habits can take time. Routine office visits and spinal adjustments combined with prescribed home exercises can help patients of all ages learn new and improved habits to reduce pain and improve overall health and wellness.

Tired of poor posture? We can help

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